Acupuncture is remarkably simple. Tiny needles are strategically placed in the body to influence the body's qi ("chee") and its flow through the meridian system. This facilitates healing. While studies show that acupuncture improves circulation and decreases inflammation, its exact mechanism remains a mystery.
In community acupuncture, we treat everything from headaches to back pain to digestive disorders with acupuncture points on the arms, legs and head. This means that you can relax in a recliner, in loose, comfortable clothing to receive treatments. We use gentle techniques and sterile, single-use disposable needles to ensure our patients' comfort and safety.
In December 2020, by patient request, we began offering private table treatments. On Sundays, we move the recliners aside and set up a massage table in our open treatment room and one in our private office. This setup allows us to do back treatments and cupping. Hour-long appointments are available online, every 30min, from 10am-3pm with a $70-$90 sliding scale.
Chinese Herbal Consultations*
The combination of acupuncture and Chinese herbs can dramatically improve results for certain conditions. If you are wondering if Chinese herbs may be helpful for you, ask your acupuncturist. They may recommend that you schedule an herbal consultation. We offer Chinese herbs in tablet and powder forms for internal use, as well as topical products like liniments and pain patches. We primarily carry Blue Poppy and Golden Flower brands of Chinese herbs, as well as KPC Granules. This service is available with all practitioners.
*We currently offer herbal consultations by phone, to minimize traffic in the clinic. To schedule a consultation with Hannah or Kyndl, give us a call and we'll set you up with a phone appointment outside of our regular hours.